السبت، 6 أبريل 2024

سرقة القلوب بصلة الرحم للدكتور محمد توفيق ممدوح الرفاعي

 سرقة القلوب بصلة الرحم

الدكتور محمد توفيق ممدوح الرفاعي

كلنا يعلم أن السرقة محرمة شرعا ويعاقب عليها القانون لكن هل تعلم أن هناك سرقة مباحة شرعا وقانونا يكافئ عليها السارق نعم هناك سرقة مباحة شرعا وقانونا ألا وهي سرقة القلوب.

الحب نعمة إلهية وهبة الله للإنسان وهو من أرقى المشاعر الإنسانية التي تصل بالإنسان إلى أعلى مراتب السمو الروحاني وأرقى مراتبها البعيد عن عبادة الجسد والشهوانية الحيوانية المرتبط بالمادة والمنفعة الشخصية، ومن أجمل صور الحب الروحاني السامي ذلك الحب الأسري الذي يربط بين أفراد الأسرة الواحدة ويمتن أواصر ذوي القربى ويعطي أجمل صورة لصلة الرحم، ولو أن الإنسان يدري ما تعني صلة الرحم وما أهمية صلة أواصر ذوي القربى لجعلها نسكا يوميا له كالفريضة العبادية، فالأواصر هي ذلك الميثاق الغليظ والعهد المتين الذي أخذه الله على بني البشر منذ أن بدء الخلق وهم في ظهور آبائهم وأرحام أمهاتهم أوجب فيه البر والوفاء بهذا العهد وذلك بوصل رحمه وذوي القربى الذين يمتون إليه بصلة قرابة أو نسب من ذكر وأنثى مهما علت هذه القرابة أو دنت درجتها وتباعدت لتصل إلى الأقارب الأباعد، فحرم قطعها وقطع أواصرها وعهودها ومواثيقها موجبا جبر الخواطر بالرحمة والمودة والبر، ولقدسية هذا الميثاق تعهد الله بأن يصل واصل الرحم ويقطع قاطعها، وعهود الله قطعية لا تقطع وآثم قاطعها فلا عذر له حتى ولو كان ناسكا عابدا متعبدا.

وبما أن رب الأسرة هو المسؤول الأوحد أمام الله وأمام المجتمع كما قال رسولنا الكريم محمد عليه وعلى آله أفضل الصلاة والسلام (كلكم راع وكلكم مسؤول) فمسؤولية راعي الأسرة أمام الله -سبحانه وتعالى- فهي في العهد والميثاق الذي عقده مع الإنسان أما مسؤوليته الاجتماعية بما أن رب الأسرة هو الراعي للأسرة التي تعد اللبنة الأولى في المجتمع فعليه أن يقدم أفراد صالحون أصحاء أحسن تأديبهم، وبناء على ذلك يجب على رب كل أسرة أن يتجمل بالأخلاق الحميدة وأن يجعل من نفسه قدوة حسنة لأسرته ومثلا أغلى لهم في صلة الرحم والمحافظة على أواصر ذوي القربى والعمل الصالح وإظهار مشاعر المحبة والعطف وزرع حب ذوي القربى وصلة رحمهم في قلوب ونفوس وعقول أفراد أسرته منذ نعومة أظفارهم مما يجعل من أولاده على خلق حسن وسمعة طيبة بارين به صالحين متحابين، وسيسيرون على خطاه ونهجه مقتدين به محافظين على ما ورثوه منه من الطيبة والمحبة وكرم الأخلاق والمثابرة على صلة الرحم، ولكن ومما ناسف له ما نلاحظه حاليا في بعض المجتمعات على النقيض من ذلك تماما بسبب ما نمر به من انتكاسات أخلاقية واجتماعية وترف اقتصادي وتفشي الأفكار الهدامة المستوردة التي غزت مجتمعاتنا مع التطور التكنولوجي الذي استعمل في غير مكانه جعلت من الكثير من أجيالنا الجديدة أعداء أنفسهم أولا ومجتمعهم وأسرهم ثانيا، ودست العداوة والبغضاء بين الإباء والأولاد بسبب التمييز بين الأبناء والأخوة وتفضيل البعض منهم على الآخر، واستئثار البعض بالحب والرعاية دون الآخرين مما يدفعهم إلى التنمر وخلق روح التناحر فيما بينهم المؤدي إلى الفرقة فيما بينهم بسبب تفشي روح العداوة والبغضاء والتنمر بينهم، وهذا ما أدى إلى تفكك الروابط الأسرية وقطع أواصر الأخوة وانعدام صلة الرحم بينهم، ولذلك وجب على الإباء الانتباه جيدا في التعامل مع أولادهم بالحسنى والعدل فيما بينهم وتوزيع حبه بينهم بالتساوي والتعامل مع كل منهم حسب مفهومه ووعيه وطباعه وزرع روح المحبة والترابط الأسري والتأكيد على أهمية الحفاظ على صلة الرحم، بذلك يجعلون من أسرهم أسرا قوية متماسكة صالحة، لأنه هو وحده أول من يضع اللبنة الأولى للمحبة أو الكراهية في قلوب أبنائه، ولذلك علينا ألا نجعل من الحب مجرد تصرفات تتبع حالات ظرفية آنية وحسب ما تقتضيه المصلحة الخاصة والحاجة إلى تحقيق غاية ما فنضمر غير ما نظهر، أو يساورنا الشك من جهتهم، وألا تضع هذا الحب تحت المجهر والاختبار فنجعل من هذا الحب مجرد صفقة تجارية لخلوه من المشاعر والعواطف والأحاسيس الفطرية، فالمشاعر والأحاسيس التي تعبر عن العواطف الداخلية للإنسان التي يعبر فيها عما يشعر به تجاه أفراد أسرته الصغيرة أو عائلته الكبيرة فالحقيقية لا تحتاج إلى وضعها تحت الاختبار أو المجهر، لأنها ستصبح مجرد تجارة تتأرجح في ميزان العرض والطلب وتعد نقطة انطلاق للقضاء على كل كافة القيم الأخلاقية الأسرية وأواصر القرابة والمحبة وصلة الرحم، ولذلك يجب أن ينبع الحب من مشاعر صادقة بعيدا عن المصالح الشخصية الآنية والمزاجية، نابعا من الذات كحب الأخ أو الابن أو ذوي القربى، يحبون لبعضهم ما يحبون لأنفسهم ويفرحون لفرحهم متمنين الخير للجميع متغاضين عن الهفوات والزلات الصغيرة وتمتين التواصل الاجتماعي المتمثل بالزيارات الودية المتبادلة والتعاطف الدائم والألفة بين الأخوة والأهل والأقارب، ومما يدعو للأسف هذه الأيام أيضا تلاشي ظاهرة تبادل الزيارات الأسرية بحجج واهية ارتبطت بالتطور الحضاري والتقني المتمثل بعولمة الإنترنت الجديدة التي قضت على كل القيم والعادات الاجتماعية وساعدت على التباعد وانقطاع حبل المودة جعلتهم يستعيضون عن التواصل الرحمي برسائل مختصرة لا حياة فيها ولا عاطفة، فعبارة ود بسيطة نابعة من إحساس ممتلئ بمشاعر المحبة الصادقة تقولها لأخيك تشعره فيها بأنك قريب منه وتزرع في قلبه الحب والحنان فقد يكون هذا الأخ أو القريب في حالة هو بأمس الحاجة إلى المواساة بسبب ظروف صعبة يمر بها أو حالة مرضية يعانيها تعيد له عافيته، فكما قطرة الماء تعيد الحياة لإنسان أشرف على الموت في صحراء لا ماء فيها ولا نبات أو كنبتة ذابلة أشرفت على الهلاك بسبب الجفاف هي كتلك الكلمة الطيبة التي قد تعيد الأمل لإنسان يائس فقد كل أمل له بالحياة، ففر إلى الأحلام هروبا من واقعه المؤلم الذي وجد فيها المتنفس الوحيد له وسرعان ما يتحول هذا الحلم إلى كابوس يقلق حياته، فبصلة الرحم والسؤال والمواساة نزرع الأمل في قلب إنسان أتعبته الهموم وفقد كل معاني الأمل بالحياة، وبالكلمة الطيبة النابعة من مشاعر الود والمحبة نستطيع إعادة رونق الحياة له، فالحب الأسري والعائلي عموما كشجرة الورد لا يفوح عطرها إلا إذا رعتها أياد حانية وروتها قلوب دافئة ونفوس نشأت وتربت على المحبة الصادقة والمشاعر النبيلة وبهذا نستطيع سرقة قلوب الآخرين بشد أواصر القربى وصلة الرحم، فأجمل السرقات هي سرقة القلوب بالكلمة الطيبة الرقيقة هي أفضل من عشرات الصور المزخرفة والمزينة بعبارات طنانة جوفاء لا حياة فيها تعج بها صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي وشبكة الإنترنت تنسخها وتلصقها ثم ترسلها عبر الهاتف وكأنها مهمة يجب عليك إنجازها كل أسبوع أو مناسبة وأنت تحتسي فنجان قهوتك، وبما أن الحب حالة إنسانية راقية تنم عن مشاعر عاطفية والمنطق السليم يحتم أن يكون الحب لذات الإنسان يعيش معه حياته ويشعر بما يشعر به، على النقيض تماما من البعض الذين يمتلكون مفهوما مختلفا فهم يريدون من الآخرين أن يكونوا كما يريدون هم على مزاجهم وعل شاكلتهم ولذلك يكون شعورهم سلبيا فهم لا يشعرون كما يشعر الآخرون ولا يعيشون معهم حياتهم ولا يعانون معاناتهم، فلنسرق القلوب بالمحبة والعطف فأجمل السرقات هي سرقة القلوب فنحن بسرقة القلوب نجعل من الحب بضاعة رائجة بيننا نتبادلها وشعورا بالسعادة.

الدكتور محمد توفيق ممدوح الرفاعي

Stealing hearts is a kinship

Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Mamdouh Al-Rifaei

We all know that theft is forbidden by law and punishable by law, but did you know that there is theft that is permissible by law and by law for which the thief is rewarded? Yes, there is theft that is permissible by law and by law, which is stealing hearts.

Love is a divine blessing bestowed by God upon man, and it is one of the highest human feelings that brings man to the highest levels of spiritual transcendence, far from the worship of the body and the animal lust associated with matter and personal gain. One of the most beautiful forms of sublime spiritual love is that familial love that connects members of the same family and strengthens the bonds of relatives. Kinship and gives the most beautiful picture of the connection of the kinship, even if a person knows what the connection of the kinship means and the importance of connecting the ties of kinship, he would make it a daily ritual for him as a religious obligation. The ties are that firm covenant and solid covenant that God took upon human beings since the beginning of creation while they were in the backs of their fathers and in the wombs. To their mothers, he made it obligatory to honor and fulfill this covenant by connecting his relatives and relatives who are related to him by kinship or lineage, whether male or female, no matter how high or low this relationship is, or how far apart it is, reaching even more distant relatives. So he forbids severing them and severing their ties, covenants, and covenants, requiring the reconciliation of thoughts with mercy, affection, and righteousness, and the sanctity of this. The covenant is God’s pledge that he will uphold the one who extends the ties of kinship and sever the one who breaks it. God’s covenants are definitive and cannot be broken, and the sinner who breaks them has no excuse, even if he is an ascetic, worshipper, and devotee.

Since the head of the family is the only one responsible before God and before society, as our honorable Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said (All of you are shepherds and all of you are responsible), the responsibility of the family shepherd before God - Glory be to Him - is in the covenant and covenant that He concluded with man. As for his social responsibility, since The head of the family is the shepherd of the family, which is the first building block of society. He must provide good, healthy individuals with the best discipline. Accordingly, the head of every family must be adorned with good morals and make himself a good role model for his family and a more precious example for them in maintaining ties of kinship and preserving the ties of kinship. And doing good deeds, showing feelings of love and kindness, and planting the love of relatives and their ties of kinship in the hearts, souls and minds of his family members from their childhood, makes his children have good morals and a good reputation, righteous in him, righteous and loving, and they will follow in his footsteps and his path, imitating him, preserving the goodness, love and generosity they inherited from him. Ethics and perseverance are in keeping with the ties of kinship, but what is regrettable is what we are currently observing in some societies in complete contrast to that, because of the moral and social setbacks we are experiencing, economic luxury, and the spread of imported destructive ideas that have invaded our societies, along with technological development that has been used in an inappropriate manner, making many... Our new generations are enemies of themselves first, and of their society and families second. Enmity and hatred have been established between fathers and children due to the distinction between sons and brothers, preferring some of them over others, and the monopolization of love and care by some over others, which leads them to bullying and creating a spirit of rivalry among them that leads to division among them due to the spread of the spirit of hostility. And hatred and bullying between them, and this is what led to the disintegration of family ties, the severing of brotherly ties, and the lack of kinship ties between them. Therefore, parents must pay close attention to dealing with their children with kindness and justice among themselves, distributing their love among them equally, dealing with each of them according to their understanding, awareness, and character, and cultivating the spirit of love and family bonding. And emphasizing the importance of preserving the ties of kinship, thus making their families strong, cohesive and good families, because he alone is the first to lay the first building block of love or hatred in the hearts of his children, and therefore we must not make love merely actions that follow immediate circumstantial situations and as required by private interest and need. To achieve some goal, we harbor something other than what we show, or we have doubts on their part, and do not put this love under the microscope and the test, so we make this love just a commercial deal because it is devoid of innate feelings, emotions, and sensations. Feelings and sensations express a person’s inner emotions in which he expresses what he feels. Towards the members of his small family or his real large family, there is no need to put it under the test or microscope, because it will become just a trade that fluctuates in the balance of supply and demand and is a starting point for eliminating all family moral values and the bonds of kinship, love, and kinship ties. Therefore, love must stem from sincere feelings. Aside from immediate personal interests and moods, stemming from the self, such as love for a brother, son, or relatives, they love for each other what they love for themselves, and rejoice in their happiness, wishing the best for everyone, ignoring small lapses and missteps, and strengthening social communication represented by mutual friendly visits, permanent sympathy, and familiarity between brothers, family, and relatives. Unfortunately, these days, the phenomenon of exchanging family visits has also disappeared under false pretexts linked to the cultural and technical development represented by the new globalization of the Internet, which has eliminated all social values and customs and helped distance and cut off the cord of affection, making them replace compassionate communication with short messages that lack life or emotion. A simple expression of affection stems from A feeling full of feelings of sincere love that you say to your brother in which you make him feel that you are close to him and plant love and tenderness in his heart. This brother or relative may be in a situation where he is in dire need of consolation due to difficult circumstances he is going through or a medical condition he is suffering from. It restores his health, just as a drop of water restores life to a noble person. To die in a desert with no water or plants, or like a withered plant that is about to perish due to drought, is like that kind word that may restore hope to a desperate person who has lost all hope in life, so he fled into dreams to escape his painful reality, in which he found his only outlet, and this soon turns into dreams. The dream turns into a nightmare that worries his life. With the help of relatives, questions, and condolences, we plant hope in the heart of a person who is tired of worries and has lost all meanings of hope in life. With a kind word stemming from feelings of kindness and love, we can restore the splendor of life to him. Family and familial love in general is like a rose tree We all know that theft is forbidden by law and punishable by law, but did you know that there is theft that is permissible by law and by law for which the thief is rewarded? Yes, there is theft that is permissible by law and by law, which is stealing hearts.

Love is a divine blessing bestowed by God upon man, and it is one of the highest human feelings that brings man to the highest levels of spiritual transcendence, far from the worship of the body and the animal lust associated with matter and personal gain. One of the most beautiful forms of sublime spiritual love is that familial love that connects members of the same family and strengthens the bonds of relatives. Kinship and gives the most beautiful picture of the connection of the kinship, even if a person knows what the connection of the kinship means and the importance of connecting the ties of kinship, he would make it a daily ritual for him as a religious obligation. The ties are that firm covenant and solid covenant that God took upon human beings since the beginning of creation while they were in the backs of their fathers and in the wombs. To their mothers, he made it obligatory to honor and fulfill this covenant by connecting his relatives and relatives who are related to him by kinship or lineage, whether male or female, no matter how high or low this relationship is, or how far apart it is, reaching even more distant relatives. So he forbids severing them and severing their ties, covenants, and covenants, requiring the reconciliation of thoughts with mercy, affection, and righteousness, and the sanctity of this. The covenant is God’s pledge that he will uphold the one who extends the ties of kinship and sever the one who breaks it. God’s covenants are definitive and cannot be broken, and the sinner who breaks them has no excuse, even if he is an ascetic, worshipper, and devotee.

Since the head of the family is the only one responsible before God and before society, as our honorable Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said (All of you are shepherds and all of you are responsible), the responsibility of the family shepherd before God - Glory be to Him - is in the covenant and covenant that He concluded with man. As for his social responsibility, since The head of the family is the shepherd of the family, which is the first building block of society. He must provide good, healthy individuals with the best discipline. Accordingly, the head of every family must be adorned with good morals and make himself a good role model for his family and a more precious example for them in maintaining ties of kinship and preserving the ties of kinship. And doing good deeds, showing feelings of love and kindness, and planting the love of relatives and their ties of kinship in the hearts, souls and minds of his family members from their childhood, makes his children have good morals and a good reputation, righteous in him, righteous and loving, and they will follow in his footsteps and his path, imitating him, preserving the goodness, love and generosity they inherited from him. Ethics and perseverance are in keeping with the ties of kinship, but what is regrettable is what we are currently observing in some societies in complete contrast to that, because of the moral and social setbacks we are experiencing, economic luxury, and the spread of imported destructive ideas that have invaded our societies, along with technological development that has been used in an inappropriate manner, making many... Our new generations are enemies of themselves first, and of their society and families second. Enmity and hatred have been established between fathers and children due to the distinction between sons and brothers, preferring some of them over others, and the monopolization of love and care by some over others, which leads them to bullying and creating a spirit of rivalry among them that leads to division among them due to the spread of the spirit of hostility. And hatred and bullying between them, and this is what led to the disintegration of family ties, the severing of brotherly ties, and the lack of kinship ties between them. Therefore, parents must pay close attention to dealing with their children with kindness and justice among themselves, distributing their love among them equally, dealing with each of them according to their understanding, awareness, and character, and cultivating the spirit of love and family bonding. And emphasizing the importance of preserving the ties of kinship, thus making their families strong, cohesive and good families, because he alone is the first to lay the first building block of love or hatred in the hearts of his children, and therefore we must not make love merely actions that follow immediate circumstantial situations and as required by private interest and need. To achieve some goal, we harbor something other than what we show, or we have doubts on their part, and do not put this love under the microscope and the test, so we make this love just a commercial deal because it is devoid of innate feelings, emotions, and sensations. Feelings and sensations express a person’s inner emotions in which he expresses what he feels. Towards the members of his small family or his real large family, there is no need to put it under the test or microscope, because it will become just a trade that fluctuates in the balance of supply and demand and is a starting point for eliminating all family moral values and the bonds of kinship, love, and kinship ties. Therefore, love must stem from sincere feelings. Aside from immediate personal interests and moods, stemming from the self, such as love for a brother, son, or relatives, they love for each other what they love for themselves, and rejoice in their happiness, wishing the best for everyone, ignoring small lapses and missteps, and strengthening social communication represented by mutual friendly visits, permanent sympathy, and familiarity between brothers, family, and relatives. Unfortunately, these days, the phenomenon of exchanging family visits has also disappeared under false pretexts linked to the cultural and technical development represented by the new globalization of the Internet, which has eliminated all social values and customs and helped distance and cut off the cord of affection, making them replace compassionate communication with short messages that lack life or emotion. A simple expression of affection stems from A feeling full of feelings of sincere love that you say to your brother in which you make him feel that you are close to him and plant love and tenderness in his heart. This brother or relative may be in a situation where he is in dire need of consolation due to difficult circumstances he is going through or a medical condition he is suffering from. It restores his health, just as a drop of water restores life to a noble person. To die in a desert with no water or plants, or like a withered plant that is about to perish due to drought, is like that kind word that may restore hope to a desperate person who has lost all hope in life, so he fled into dreams to escape his painful reality, in which he found his only outlet, and this soon turns into dreams. The dream turns into a nightmare that worries his life. With the help of relatives, questions, and condolences, we plant hope in the heart of a person who is tired of worries and has lost all meanings of hope in life. With a kind word stemming from feelings of kindness and love, we can restore the splendor of life to him. Family and familial love in general is like a rose tree.

Dr. Muhammad Tawfiq Mamdouh Al-Rifaei

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